accessory trends summer 2023 hee

Accessory trends for this summer 2023

Earrings, rings, necklaces, ornaments with flowers... these are some of the trends you won't be able to escape this summer 2023. Today at HEE we tell you what accessories you can't miss this season.

What accessories can I wear during the summer? The million dollar question. During this time of the year and with the high temperatures, we don't feel like wearing a lot of clothes (the less the better). A great solution to this are the accessories, they will help you to give that touch to your looks without the need to overload it with other garments.

accessory trends summer 2023 hee
As every season, there are always new trends, some of them are recycled and others are new. What are this year's trends?


As usual, if we talk about earrings, earrings are a sure hit whether they are silver or gold: always giving an elegant touch and with the size we want to use depending on our tastes.

It is worth mentioning that, at least this season, you should have at least a pair of chunky hoop earrings (big and voluminous hoop earrings).

Whether they are silver or gold you will always have a HEE model that matches your earrings perfectly. Models like the TERRA VEGA or the IGNIS ENYA.


When it comes to necklaces, the most viral trend we saw in 2022 is being left behind: the chockers. This year the protagonists are those big, striking necklaces with a lot of volume. Large necklaces with links, for example, will be and are being used a lot.

We are in a period in the history of fashion that has been flooded by a feeling of nostalgia and emerging trends such as the return of pearl necklaces. A very strong trend followed by both men and women against its traditional association with a more conservative style.

Also on the rise are flower adornments, necklaces and chokers with floral motifs. They come in all colours, sizes and shapes. It is an accessory that combines very well with all kinds of garments and works very well with necklines, dresses, strapless tops and strapless or V-neck tops. Definitely a perfect accessory to be fashionable.

Bracelets and rings

A very powerful trend in summer in terms of accessories are the bracelets

that stopped being used for a few years and this summer have returned with force. Whether on the wrist, mid-arm or over clothing, they are a great accessory. These rigid bracelets have models with different thicknesses and colours.

If we talk about rings, we wouldn't know which type of ring is in trend, what we do know is that you must wear them and in quantity. A trend that has been gaining popularity and has become essential: wearing rings on practically all the fingers of your hand.

accessory trends summer 2023 hee
As you can see, there are many options in terms of accessories that we have this summer. We will be telling you about other trends, especially in footwear and bags.