As footwear experts we like to know everything about it, including the most curious facts. Therefore, today we wanted to share with you some of these curiosities.

Like black cats, stairs or the number 13, There are many superstitions that have to do with shoes. For example, wearing new shoes to welcome the new year is a tradition in China.

For the japanese On the other hand, if the belt of a “geta” (this is the name given to the renowned Japanese wooden footwear) means bad augury. For the Japanese, shoes can also serve to predict the weather, According to them, if you wear new shoes and they get wet Every time you put them on it will rain.
And like these many others, ¿You've never heard of putting your slippers on the table.? We don't believe much in these things but just in case we try not to do them.…
¿Do you know where the expression comes from? “go with lead feet”?. We usually use this expression when a situation requires our calm, caution or caution, its origin comes from the divers footwear.
Apparently, divers formerly used boots covered in lead to be able to walk safely at the bottom of the sea when they submerged; This term derives from here.
¿Have you ever heard that shoes define our personality?? Really this is so. Science has repeatedly shown that it is necessary to pay attention to a person's shoes if we want to know more about them.
In fact, a study conducted by Journal of Research in Personality reaffirms this: during this work it was shown that the 90% of someone's personality can be reflected in their footwear. To reach this conclusion, 200 volunteers filled out a personality test and took photographs of the shoes they used the most.
Later, they showed these photos to other people who were able to guess most of the personality traits of those who had sent said photos: data such as age, income level and emotional traits. So yes, shoes say much more about you than you think and for each personality you also have some HEE that adapt perfectly to you.

¿Do you know the origin of platform shoes?? The flatforms They have been a trend for years, they are a regular in stores and many people's closets, but what you probably didn't know is that Its use dates back to the Middle Ages.
This footwear was used as a hygiene measure, The height they provided helped prevent dirt from the streets. In Venice Specifically, they solved this problem with platforms that could measure up to 70 cm (yes, as you hear): these wooden platforms were called chopines and were considered a symbol of wealth.
In France were also used and even became legislatedisland one maximum height for this type of shoes. It is very curious that we currently continue using this type of shoes although not with such height, ¿can you imagine some IGNIS SIENNA 70 cm or about s AQUA VAIANA? ¡It would be very strange!
As strange as it may seem to us, heels began as a type of footwear that only It was used exclusively by men. It is said that it was Louis XIV (known as ‘The king Sun') was one of the greatest pioneers in using heels in the 18th century. This king wore heels because of his complex height.
It should be noted that before he used them in his outfits, heels were already considered a whole symbol of virility. ¿And when did they start using it? women? Well, with stereotyping and gender roles, men stopped wearing heels because they were uncomfortable to work in.

This meant that, for many years, heels were only worn by women for one simple reason: they were only at home and They could afford to wear uncomfortable heels. Luckily, famous personalities like David Bowie, they have never cared about wearing this type of footwear and increasingly this differentiation is more dispersed. We would love to see a man with our IGNIS ENYA, For example.
As you see, there are many and very curious facts about shoes. We know a lot, don't worry, we'll tell you about it ;)