Normally, leather footwear tends to have a somewhat higher price but it implies a series of advantages for which it is worth investing a little more money in them. Once this "investment" is made, we must take into account a series of guidelines so that they remain in good condition.
We must look especially at times of change of season, when our shoes have spent time in the closet and we have to rescue them to use them again. It is common for these to have suffered sudden temperature changes, have been subjected to dust and, even, have been stained.
At this point, what are the steps to follow when cleaning them?
1- Remove the laces (if any). If you want to clean leather shoes with laces, be sure to remove them so they don't get stained or stained by any of the products you're going to use
2- Remove dirt. Using a suitable brush (that does not damage the skin), gently get rid of dirt. For tougher stains, use soap
3- Nourishes and protects. Yes, it doesn't seem so important but it is. Take care of applying cream with a cloth, this will protect the footwear from stains and nourish it

4- Polish. Using a clean cloth or polishing brush, polish your shoes with short but firm strokes
5- Let the shoes dry. The last step and one of the most important, let your shoes dry in the open air. Do not place them in the sun as they could discolor or crack or skin
When we talk about leathers such as suede or nubuck we have to pay close attention, the best thing to do is to clean these shoes with products that are used exclusively for this purpose, all in order to preserve and make your favorite leather shoes last as long as possible.

In our case, HEE shoes are made with 100% natural leather and (although we can assure you of guaranteed quality and durability) it never hurts to follow these tips so that you can continue using them for years and years.